Avocaderia's Famous Avocado Toast


By Avo

Preferred Partner Sustainability Measures

4.89 (160 reviews)

  • 269 11th Ave, New York, NY 10001
  • 245 5th Ave, New York, NY 10016
  • 120 W 56th St, New York, NY 10019
Try the signature dish at the world's first avocado bar! Avocaderia uses premium avocados from Mexico year-round to deliver you the best product possible.

Menu: $10.00

Staff Pick

Choice of Avocado Toasts

2 halves per person

2 halves per person

  • Ny Salmon

    Avocado, smoked salmon, watermelon radish, scallions, everything bagel seasoning, & lime citronette

  • Mediterranean

    Olive tapenade, avocado, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, pistachio dukkah, and za'atar oil

  • Burrata Dream

    Kale pesto, avocado, burrata, pistachio dukkah, & balsamic za'atar oil

  • Za'atar

    Hummus, avocado, za'atar oil, scallions, & black pepper

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