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What Permissions/Roles can I give teammates?

There are 4 roles within an Organization - Admin, Orderer, Staff, and Guest. At a high level:

  • Admin can see, modify, and submit all orders within the Organization, including other teammates’ orders. They can manage everything related to the Organization including inviting more teammates.
  • Orderers can place orders, access shared payment information (credit cards and invoicing option), but can’t edit settings of the organization. Orderers can share the Organization’s meal calendar.
  • Staff can see and participate in all of your Organization’s shared group orders (e.g. weekly company lunch). While Staff can hypothetically place orders themselves through their own accounts, they do not have access to shared payment information.
  • Guests can only respond to specific group order links - they do not have access to the organization’s shared meal calendar. Guests are not aware that they are technically part of your Organization.

What can Admins do in an Organization?

Admin can see, modify, and submit all orders within the Organization, including other teammates’ orders. They can manage everything related to the Organization including inviting more teammates.

  • While Admins can submit another User’s group order polls and see/modify/cancel other User’s orders, they cannot leave reviews on behalf of another User
  • If an Admin submits an order on behalf of another User using a new credit card, that new credit card belongs to the Admin (not the User who the order is under), although the Admin may share the credit card with the other Admins and Orderers of the Organization.
  • If an Admin reorders another User’s order, that order still belongs to the original User (not the Admin)
  • Only Admins can delete or change the roles of other teammates
  • Only Admins can invite other Admins and Orderers
  • There must be at least 1 Admin within each Organization

What can Orderers do in an Organization?

Orderers can place orders, access shared payment information (credit cards and invoicing option), but can’t edit settings of the organization. Orderers can share the Organization’s meal calendar.

  • Orderers cannot invite other Admins and Orderers, but they can share the meal calendar link to Staff.
  • Orderers cannot see or submit other User’s orders
  • Orderers can share their credit cards with other Orderers and Admins in the Organization.

What can Staff do in an Organization?

Staff can see and participate in all of your Organization’s shared group orders (e.g. weekly company lunch). While Staff can hypothetically place orders themselves through their own accounts, they do not have access to shared payment information.

  • If a Staff were to place an order within the Organization, Admin will be able to see them.
  • As of January 2023, Staff can only see the meals that require their meal selection input (i.e. group orders). In the future, we may allow for Staff to view the meals that don’t require their meal selection as well (non-group orders like family-style meals where the meal selections have already been made)

What can Guests do in an Organization?

Guests can only respond to specific group order links - they do not have access to the organization’s shared meal calendar. Guests are not aware that they are technically part of your Organization.

  • If a Guest is sent the link to the Organization’s meal calendar, their role will automatically be “upgraded” to that of a Staff.
  • Guests can place their own orders, but those orders will not be part of your Organization.

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